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Parent Supporters’ Groups

Parents' Association President Louise Lakomy Louisel@bdhl.com.au
AFL President Jacqui House jacquihouse@yahoo.com
Basketball President Juliette Carter juliettecarter@yahoo.com
Cricket President Craig McDonald cclmcd@gmail.com
Football President Roy Pereira roypereira72@gmail.com
Music President Christina Leonard christina@christinaleonard.com.au
Rugby President Michelle Sullivan michelle@alveare.com.au
Aquatics President Tina Lee theleefamily2301@gmail.com

Our supporter groups are made up of parents who are keen to support the extra-curricular activities in which their sons are participating. The groups support a wide range of sports and creative arts activities. Parents are involved with organising events, fundraising and general assistance to our coaches and the Convenors of each activity. New volunteers are always welcome and interested parents should contact the individuals above for more information.