The ¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ Foundation
The Foundation was established in 2019 to encourage the generosity of the school community for the benefit of our students, now and in the future.
The giving initiatives and activities managed by the Foundation provide opportunities for the Waverley community to participate actively in the life of the School and support important projects and initiatives that otherwise would not be possible.
Gifts, donations and bequests to the College will now be directed through the Foundation and distributed in accordance with its guidelines.
Having a Foundation creates a secure and independent financial base that maximises the value of the support the College receives.
Support Us
For well over a century, ¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ has been shaped by the generosity of the school community. Our supporters have helped to build wonderful facilities, establish scholarships and create opportunities for generations of boys to shine.
As we look to the future of ¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ, your support is more important than ever. Every donation, large or small, is a step towards achieving our vision for a dynamic and sustainable school that inspires current and future generations of students to learn, create, innovate and develop their skills.
You can direct your giving to three different areas that directly support our priorities and growth areas.
The Building Fund for the Science & Innovation Centre
Find out more about the Building Fund
The Bede Kenny Scholarship Fund
Find out more about the Scholarship Fund
The Percy Watson Fund
Find out more about the Percy Watson Fund
Purchase a Paver on the Waverley Walk
Help us lay the foundations for the future of science and innovation at ¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ. Purchase a paver on the Waverley Walk today.
Donations over $2 to the Building Fund, the Scholarship Fund and the Purchase a Paver Campaign are all tax-deductible.
A bequest in your will is one way to make a significant and lasting legacy to the College.
¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ welcomes the opportunity to discuss your giving options and help you maximise the impact of your support. Please email