Join us for the Year 7 Parent Lunch get together at Clovelly Hotel!
Unfortunately, this year has provided very few opportunities to get together as a year group and socialise. The usual gatherings have been cancelled which has made it particularly difficult for new year 7 parents to get to know those in the community.
However, we wanted to take the opportunity while it’s available to arrange an end of year lunch for year 7 parents. It”s a perfect opportunity to meet some other parents, catch up with those you know, enjoy lunch and have a relaxing afternoon!
Lunch and drinks can be purchased at the bar at your leisure. Due to Covid restrictions, numbers will be limited so please book in advance to help us manage the booking. There is a $10 booking fee which is redeemable for a drink on arrival.
We hope to see as many as possible so please don’t be shy!
Jade Stapleton: 0416 213 313
Lucette Parkes: 0412 894 310