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Junior School Library

The Junior School Library was opened in 2010. It is a dynamic and integral part of school life for our students, who can study as a class, group or as individuals, and where reading for pleasure is actively encouraged.

By Years 5 and 6, most boys will be reading fluently and will be experimenting with different literature genres to discover which ones they appreciate. Some boys at this age drop away from reading for pleasure, however, it is important that their interest in literature is continually stimulated. One way of ensuring this is by reading aloud to the boys. This enables them to experience a wide variety of literature and by discussing a story, their interest should be aroused.

More information on boys and reading can be found at the following websites…

With the influence of digital technology, it has become imperative that we educate our boys to become competent users of information, as well as teaching them the skills to become independent lifelong learners. Our educational program has been developed to assist students to develop these skills.

Borrowing is encouraged over the school holidays (excluding Christmas) for recreational reading.

Literacy and reading promotion

Each year the library conducts a series of events to promote reading.

  • Regular Borrowing Sessions
    Every class has one designated fortnightly borrowing session and students are encouraged to borrow at lunch time if they finish their book before their next borrowing session. As a result, we have very high circulation numbers, and most of our boys are reading on a regular basis. We strongly encourage students to discuss the books they have read and enjoyed with their peers, and we have a policy of purchasing multiple copies of popular titles in an effort to make popular titles available to as many boys as possible.
  • Book Week Activities
  • Book Fair
  • Trivia Quiz
  • Character Parade
  • Sydney Writers’ Festival Excursion
    Each year, a range of students are taken to the Sydney Writers’ Festival to be inspired by leading authors for young people.
  • Premiers’ Reading Challenge
    Students are encouraged to take part in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge where they are required to read 20 books over several months. Those who complete this challenge are presented with a certificate signed by the Premier of NSW and have their names published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
  • Readers Cup Trophy
    For the Readers Cup, students form a team of four. Each student is required to read four novels in four weeks. The teams then take part in a giant trivia quiz to determine which team are the Readers Cup Champions.
  • Author visits
    Authors are regularly invited to address the students. Their visits enthuse and encourage boys to engage with text and read for leisure and learning.
  • Teacher Reading Aloud
    Each class has books read aloud to them on a regular basis as a way of enticing boys into reading these books and exposing them to a variety of different authors and genres.


  • Three books can be borrowed at one time.
  • The loan period is one cycle, i.e. from day C to the next day C. This is usually 10 days.
  • Renewals and reservations are available.
  • Fines are not imposed for the late return of items. However, borrowing rights are restricted until the item is returned.
  • Students will be charged for lost or damaged items.

Resources exclusively for students

See the College diary for login credentials or contact the senior library:

Australian Reference Information
This resource covers all things Australian, and includes homework resources for parents along with project information. Daily local news feeds can be found here as well. Their interactive maps are also helpful.

Magazine and Newspaper Articles
Get current affairs full-text articles here. Great for all subjects, especially to include in your bibliographies as evidence of research.

TV News Footage
To view and save anything screened on TV news programs this resource is excellent. Programs such as the 7.30 Report, 60 minutes, Australian Story, Nightly News and a lot more are available.

Sydney Morning Herald Database
For any past Herald articles, this is the resource to use.

General Encyclopedias
This link provides access to three encyclopedias:

  • New Book for Knowledge (years 7 – 8)
  • Grolier Multimedia encyclopedia (years 9 – 10)
  • Americana (years 11 – 12).

Contact us

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am – 3.00pm

Junior Library contact details