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Old Boys Upcoming Events and News

112th May Procession Statue Bearers, 2022

Enjoying a Guinness in Dover, Quinn Darragh (1995) and Luke Stewart (current parent). 2020

Old Boy fathers and sons at the 2021 Academic Assembly

Mr Lachlan Drew-Morris

Sir Peter Cosgrove (1964) drops in on a Year 8 Science class, 2021

Kurt Von Hofe (2014) with students interested in space, science and engineering, 2021

Scott Laney (1986) and Nick Nezval (1984) on their home turf, Bondi Beach, 2019

Charlie Negus (2017) and Tim Putt, current Australian Men's Water Polo team members. 2021

111th May Procession in 2021

Wal Jarvis (1965/66) speaks at the High Achievers Assembly, 2021



  • Monday, 29 July – Old Boys’ Union Meeting
  • Monday, 21 October – Old Boys’ Union Meeting
  • Thursday, 7 November – 2024 Back to Waverley Day, 10am-4pm

Old Boys’ Muster

Amidst relentless downpours that persisted for 12 hours straight, the return of the Old Boys’ Muster at the College stood as a testament to resilience and camaraderie. Despite nature’s adversity, over 50 brave Old Boys’ answered the call, lending their presence to an event marked by warmth and reminiscence.

The gathering captivated tales of reconnection spanning more than five decades, and accounts of returnees stepping foot on familiar grounds after an absence of over forty years. Notably, the arrival of an Old Boy all the way from New Zealand underscored the profound bond shared among our alumni, transcending geographical barriers.

With the greatest appreciation, we extend our sincerest thanks to each attendee on behalf of the WCOBU. Your presence imbued the evening with a sense of unity and nostalgia, making it truly unforgettable.

Looking ahead, we anticipate with excitement our next gathering: Back to Queens Park on the 10th of August. Join us as we rally behind our 1st XV Rugby team in their clash against Trinity.

Let us come together to cheer on our alma mater and revel in the shared joy of victory. Details for the post-match reunion will follow shortly.


¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ Old Boys’ Union


2023 Back to Waverley Day

On 2 November we celebrated ‘Back to Waverley Day,’ and welcomed our alumni who graduated 50 years or more ago. It was nice to honour our graduates from the year 1973.

We always look forward to welcoming Old Boys back to our growing campus, and this year we had 110 Old Boys from the years 1950-1973 in attendance.

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

Memories were shared, through a short mass, morning tea, assembly and lunch.

2023 Back to Waverley Day

We especially thank Dr Michael Hession, (Class of 1973) College Captain for his moving address to the College during Assembly.

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

2023 Back to Waverley Day

Ken Brown (Class of 1950) showing his photo taken when he won the NSW Allschools Competition 880 yards. Students were cheering and giving him hi5 as he walked out of the Assembly.

Ken Brown (Class of 1950) showing his photo taken when he won the NSW Allschools Competition 880 yards. Students were cheering and giving him hi5 as he walked out of the Assembly.

We also had the pleasure of seeing our Pasifika Group perform the Sasa (Samoa) and Haka (New Zealand) on stage. The performance was enjoyed by past and present students, as well as our invited Pasifika families and extended families.

2023 Back to Waverley Day

The 2024 Tour Jazz Ensemble delivered their delightful debut performance as a group, featuring the musical piece ‘Stolen Moments,’ originally composed by Oliver Nelson, arranged by Mike Kamuf, and conducted by music teacher Ms Jazz de Witte. 

2023 Back to Waverley Day

We thank everyone who attended this wonderful day of reconnection and friendship.

¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ Generations Breakfast

As an Old Boy, who is a father, grandfather, uncle or relative of a student currently at Waverley, you are invited to join us for breakfast in Term 2.

This is an opportunity to come together and celebrate and acknowledge your history at the College alongside your younger relative, by having a light breakfast together before the school day begins.

Commemorative generation pins will also be issued to you as we celebrate our 120th year in education.

Please by Monday, 1 May 2023

When: Thursday, 11 May 7:45am – 9am

Venue: Senior School Library (Entrance via Carrington Gates)

Seeking Old Boys Interested in Mentoring Current Students

The College is looking for old boys interested in joining a mentor program to provide vocational guidance to current students.

This will be done primarily through Masterclasses, Speed-Mentoring events, the Visions of Leadership program and Career & Industry Information sessions hosted at the College.

If you’re interested in becoming a mentor in some capacity, or perhaps can offer work experience or apprenticeships, please complete the form and we’ll notify you of up-and-coming events and opportunities.

Class Reunions in 2022 / 2023

Class of 1968

Please note that the Class of ’68 is planning its 55-year reunion this year.

The details are:
Friday, 28 July 2023 at Easts Leagues Club, noon to 4pm.
Saturday, 29 July 2023 at Queens Park

Please contact Ken Jones – Co-ordinator
164 Lavender Boulevard
Ballina NSW 2478
0417 672 616

Class of 1951

Seeking expressions of interest and availability for a reunion later this year.

Please contact Terry O’Malley





Stay Connected and Get Involved

We encourage all ¹û¶³´«Ã½appÏÂÔØ alumni to stay in touch by providing us with their current contact details and letting us know of any upcoming events so we can help promote and support them.

There are many avenues for connecting with our Waverley community, including:

  • Volunteer to be a mentor, speaker or workshop facilitator to enhance and broaden our current students’ experience.
  • Submit news, notices or stories to be published in Wavelength, our bi-annual alumni magazine to wavelength@waverley.nsw.edu.au
  • Organise a reunion or tour at the campus

To get in touch or for more information please contact marketing@waverley.nsw.edu.au | 9369 0753

and sign in to the Old Boys’ website to keep your details current